ILO: European Legal Database

2015 - 2020
Cieľom tejto subregionálnej databázy je identifikovať vnútroštátne právne a inštitucionálne riešenia stanovené vo vnútroštátnych právnych systémoch v krajinách strednej a východnej Európy.
Project number:

This sub-regional database aims to identify national legal and institutional solutions set out in the national legal systems in Central and Eastern European countries using as benchmarks the provisions of ILO Conventions. It covers 13 countries: Moldova, Poland, Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia.
Its development has built on the experience and know-how of various departments within the ILO and from other experts with the sole purpose of providing the world of work with a data platform to support informed policy-making decisions concerning labour and industrial relations. The database classification structure comprises both binary (yes/no) and textual and numerical data, including summaries of/or quotes from specific paragraphs of laws and regulations. In order to collect the necessary information, national researchers reviewed primary and secondary legislation, as well as collective agreements at the national and sectoral levels, and available statistic and administrative data. There were considerable challenges in gathering the statistic information which is inherent to desk reviews, ranging from lack of such data or scarcity of reliable sources. The validation of the information is planned to take place in a sub-regional tripartite workshop to be held in 2015.
The database is updated regularly and is findable under following link: .
The project is ongoing, has started in 2015.
Responsible for Slovakia is CELSI´s researcher Monika Martišková.
Project events