WITA GPG (With Innovative Tools Against Gender Pay Gap) 2
2014 - 2016
Cieľom WITA GPG je zhromaždiť informácie pre odborové
zväzy, s úmyslom zvýšenia rokovaní o kolektívnych
zmluvách, ktoré vplývajú pozitívne na existujúce rozdiely v odmeňovaní medzi ženami a
Project number:
The project shares and compares information on wages, labour law and career in all 28 EU countries plus Turkey (EU-28+Turkey). The aim of WITA GPG is to create unique information that supports trade unions in all 28 EU countries plus Turkey to negotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements that positively impact on the gender pay gap, and heightens the awareness of the general public of why the gender pay gap exists and how it can be decreased. WITA GPG shares and compares information on wages, labour law and career in EU-28 plus Turkey.
Project events