News Archive
News in 2018:
- Fifth call for InGRID-2 visiting grants
- Petr Mezihorák: SHARE
- Monika Martišková: The Future of Workers in the Slovak Automotive Industry
- Open position
- Lucia Mýtna Kureková recently published an article "The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"
- Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena"
- Symposium: Borders, Borderlands, and Migration
- Fourth call for InGRID-2 visiting grants
- BARCOM REPORTS: With innovative tools for bargaining support in the commerce sector
- CELSI Frontiers Seminar
- Call 11 for InGRID: Summer school
- InGRID-2 seminar on inequality
- Third call for InGRID-2 visiting grants