Brian Fabo talks at "Tools for harmonizing the measurement of occupations" expert workshop in Amsterdam
Brian Fabo talks at "Tools for harmonizing the measurement of occupations" expert workshop in Amsterdam
Publikované dňa 24. marec 2014
Brian Fabo in cooperation with Amsterdam University professor Kea Tijdens presented an implementation of custom made API allowing users to identify the tasks their perform at the workplace, based on an ILO-designed methodology. The main contribution of this novel approach to labour market research lies in the potential to go beyond occupation titles and analyze labour market outcomes based on what people are actually doing. The presentation, which took place on February 10 - 12, 2014 at "Tools for harmonizing the measurement of occupations" expert workshop in Amsterdam, summarized the design of the implementation. Outcomes of the analysis based on Dutch data from the WageIndicator online survey are available as CELSI discussion paper here: http://www.celsi.sk/sk/publikacie/diskusny-clanok/detail/33/using-web-data-to-measure-the-demand-for-skills/