
Seminár InGRID-2 o nerovnosti
Seminár InGRID-2 o nerovnosti

Sme radi, že vás môžeme pozvať na neformálny seminár, na ktorom sa predstavia dvaja z našich hosťujúcich výskumníkov ( cez InGRID projekt: 4-ročný projekt európskeho programu H2020)

Publikované dňa
19. marec 2018
Tlačová správa: Vyhlásenie Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce (CELSI) k bezprostrednému ohrozeniu akademických slobôd a Stredoeurópskej univerzity (CEU) v Budapešti

Vedenie Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce (CELSI) týmto vyjadruje solidaritu so Stredoeurópskou univerzitou (CEU) v Budapešti. Sme hlboko znepokojení v súvislosti s legislatívnym návrhom, ktorý bezprostredne ohrozuje akademické slobody a znemožňuje ďalšie pôsobenie CEU v Budapešti.

Publikované dňa
31. marec 2017
CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms
CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms

The ETUI policy brief "The platform economy and the disruption of the employment relationship" considers the impact of online platforms on labour markets and on the employment relationship in particular.

Publikované dňa
9. január 2017
New article co-authored by CELSI's Monika Martiskova has been published as CEU's Center for Policy Studies Working Paper
New article co-authored by CELSI's Monika Martiskova has been published as CEU's Center for Policy Studies Working Paper

The new article "Union Organizing in the Automotive Industry in Slovakia in Times of Crisis: Do They Help Workers or Protect Themselves?", by CELSI's Monika Martiskova and Monika Uhlerova (MBU) appears as CPS's Working Paper 6/2016.

Publikované dňa
22. december 2016
NEWIN - Negotiating Wage (In)equality Final conference
NEWIN - Negotiating Wage (In)equality Final conference

We are pleased to invite you to the Final conference of the NEWIN – Negotiating Wage (In)equality project, which investigated social partners views on and responses to the issue of growing wage inequality in five EU-countries: Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom.

Publikované dňa
18. november 2016
Martin Kahanec appointed Member of the Panel of Experts for the European Court of Auditors' EU Labour Mobility Audit
Martin Kahanec appointed Member of the Panel of Experts for the European Court of Auditors' EU Labour Mobility Audit

Martin Kahanec has been appointed Member of the Panel of Experts for the European Court of Auditors' EU Labour Mobility Audit and Member of the Working Group for Regional Development of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Support of Least Developed Regions.

Publikované dňa
17. november 2016
Martin Kahanec quoted in U.S. News & World Report on Migration and Labor
Martin Kahanec quoted in U.S. News & World Report on Migration and Labor

CELSI's Martin Kahanec quoted in US News and World Report article regarding how the wall erected by the Hungarian government on the border with Serbia affects labor markets.

Publikované dňa
28. september 2016
Martin Kahanec speaks at the Workshop on Global Labor Markets organized by the IMF, OCP Policy Center and Brunel University
Martin Kahanec speaks at the Workshop on Global Labor Markets organized by the IMF, OCP Policy Center and Brunel University

Kahanec delivered a speech on "Free movement of workers within the EU" at the conference in Paris, September 1-2, 2016.

Publikované dňa
6. september 2016
Martin Kahanec jedným zo šiestich top ekonómov narodených na Slovensku
Martin Kahanec jedným zo šiestich top ekonómov narodených na Slovensku

Časopis TREND sa vo svojej reportáži pozrel na šiestich najlepších ekonómov narodených na Slovensku podľa rebríčka RePEc.

Publikované dňa
28. júl 2016
CELSI's study for the European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy has been published
CELSI's study for the European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy has been published

The European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy just published a study "The Social and Employment Situation in Slovakia and Outlook on the Slovak EU Presidency 2016" by CELSI's Martin Kahanec and Mária Sedláková.

Publikované dňa
20. máj 2016

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